The pressures on programme makers have never been so great. 
Ensuring the highest standards of broadcast compliance is critical. 

"Compliance failure" has profound consequences: damaging for the broadcaster, harmful to the viewer or programme participant and occasionally devastating for the individual producer or production company.

For the independent producer, finding practical, accessible and expert compliance advice at an early stage can prevent many problems and avoid wasted time, effort and expense.

This is where we can help

We can help you maximise the potential of your programming whilst enabling you to honour regulation and the law and meet broadcasters' expectations. 
Find out more about how we can help you and get in touch with us. 

We advise independent producers on programmes for all major UK broadcasters 


Media Compliance Services LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales.
Registered office: 38 Sherwood Road, London NW4 1AD.
Registered number OC345670. A list of members is available for inspection at our registered office